
今回のあざみ野校ブログ記事では、英文の中の(1単語から成る)動詞(複数の単語から成る)句動詞【phrasal verbs】に置き換えるパラフレーズと、その逆パターンを紹介しようと思います。


ただ、英検の新形式問題のようにsummarize it in your own wordsといった条件がある場合は異なった言い回しを用いることが求められるので、他の箇所で語数を減らし、句動詞に置き換えられそうなものは置き換えるという判断も必要になってきそうです。


I. 句動詞からparaphrase:
① The United Nations plans to carry out peacekeeping operations in the region.
→The United Nations plans to perform peacekeeping operations in the region.

② Japan plans to put forward a new initiative for climate change mitigation.
→Japan plans to propose a new initiative for climate change mitigation.

③ The European Union needs to come up with a comprehensive strategy for immigration control.
→The European Union needs to devise a comprehensive strategy for immigration control.

II. 句動詞にparaphrase:
① The report indicates the shortcomings of current global trade policies.
→The report points out the shortcomings of current global trade policies.

② The Prime Minister announced his decision to resign following widespread protests.
→The Prime Minister announced his decision to step down following widespread protests.

③ The United Nations rejected the proposal for military intervention in the conflict zone.
→The United Nations turned down the proposal for military intervention in the conflict zone.


look up to = admire
put off = postpone
give in = surrender
go through = experience
stand for = represent
back up = support
look into = investigate
work out = resolve
bring about = cause
rule out = exclude
back down = retreat
live up to = fulfill




