英単語”pink”を含めたIdiomatic expressions〔再掲載〕


Idiomatic expressions including the English word pink


1. In the pink (of health/condition) – とても元気で・絶好調で
例: After recovering from her illness, Sarah is now in the pink of health.

2. Be Tickled pink – 大喜びする
例: She was tickled pink when she received the surprise gift.

3. Pink slip – 解雇通知
例: After the company’s financial troubles, several employees received pink slips.

4. A pink-collar job - 女性向きの仕事
例: She decided to pursue a pink-collar job because she enjoyed working with children.

5. See pink elephants – 幻が見える
例: After drinking too much, he started seeing pink elephants.

6. Look at the world through rose-colored glasses – 世界を楽観的に見る *ピンク色のバラもあるので掲載
例: Despite the challenges, he always looks at the world through rose-colored glasses and remains hopeful.

7. Pink noise – ピンクノイズ(a type of random noise with equal energy per octave)
例: The pink noise played in the background, helping to mask other distracting sounds.




