英単語”white”を含むIdiomatic expressions〔簡略版再掲載〕




1. White knight – 救済(きゅうさい)者
例: He was a white knight who always stood up for the underprivileged.

2. White feather – 臆病の印・弱音
例: He showed no fear and did not back down, never displaying a white feather.

3. White elephant – 無用の長物・持て余し物
例: The old mansion became a white elephant for its owner.

4. White-knuckle ride – 非常に恐ろしい経験
例: The roller coaster was a white-knuckle ride.

5. hoisting/raising the white flag – 降参する
例: The losing team raised the white flag in defeat.

6. White lie – 悪意のないうそ

例: I told a white lie to avoid hurting her feelings.

7. White-collar – 頭脳労働者の
例: He works in a white-collar job as a financial analyst.

8. turn white as chalk/a sheet/a ghost – 蒼白(そうはく)になる・真っ青になる
例: When he heard the news, his face turned white as a sheet.

white knight白い象宮殿




