体の部位を含むIdiomatic expressions ③ + 模試のお知らせ!



1. bury one’s head in the sand:現実から目をそむける
例: Instead of facing the problem, he buried his head in the sand and pretended it didn’t exist.
2. catch one’s eye:~の目を引く
例: Her vibrant dress caught everyone’s eye as she entered the room.
3. play it by ear:成り行きに任せる・臨機応変に対応する
例: We don’t have a fixed plan yet, so let’s play it by ear and see how things unfold.
4. wet behind the ears:青二才の・未熟な
例: As a recent graduate, he’s still wet behind the ears and has a lot to learn in the workforce.
5. put one’s nose to the grindstone:頑張り続ける・継続的に取り組む
例: With exams approaching, he put his nose to the grindstone and studied every day.
6. keep a stiff upper lip:くじけない
例: Even though things were tough, she kept a stiff upper lip and didn’t show her emotions.
7. a pain in the neck:面倒くさいこと・悩みの種
例: Dealing with all the paperwork for the project was a real pain in the neck.
8. stick one’s neck out:大胆な行動に出る・リスクを冒す
例: He decided to stick his neck out and invest in the new startup.
9. a shoulder to cry on:困ったときに頼りになる人
例: After the breakup, she needed a shoulder to cry on, and her best friend was there for her.
10. heart of gold : 思いやりの心
例: Despite her tough exterior, she has a heart of gold and always helps those in need.
11. have a gut feeling that …:・・・と直感する
例: Although there was no evidence, she had a gut feeling that something was wrong.
12. keep one’s feet on the ground:現実的に物事を考える
例: Despite his success, he always keeps his feet on the ground and stays humble.

play by ear目を引くheart of gold現実逃避少年




