体の部位を含むIdiomatic expressions ②

先日クリント・イーストウッド主演のダーティハリー4を観ていたところ、Keep your nose out of it! というセリフが出てきました。(字幕は「余計な出しはしないでくれ」)他人の問題に「干渉しない・出ししない」ように念を押す表現ですが、「を突っ込まないでくれ」とも訳せそうです。いずれにしても体の部分を含む表現が英語でも日本語でもやはり頻繁に用いられますね。


1. split hairs over ~:ささいなことにこだわる
例: We don’t need to split hairs over minor differences; let’s focus on the main issue.

2. have one’s head in the clouds: ぼーっとしている
例: He often has his head in the clouds during class and misses important information.

3. face the music :自らの言動の報(むく)いを受ける
例: He knew he had done wrong and had to face the music when his boss confronted him.

4. in the blink of an eye:瞬(またた)く間に・あっという間に
例: The car disappeared in the blink of an eye; it was gone before I could react.

5. get one’s nose out of joint:取り乱す・イライラする
例: He got his nose out of joint when his friend didn’t invite him to the party.

6. bite one’s tongue :言いたいことを言わない
例: Although she wanted to express her opinion, she bit her tongue to avoid an argument.

7. neck and neck:接戦で・互角で
例: The two runners are neck and neck as they approach the finish line.

8. wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve:心の内を率直に話す
例: She wears her heart on her sleeve and can’t hide her feelings easily.

9. Cost an arm and a leg:出費が高くつく
例: Buying a new car can cost an arm and a leg, especially if you want all the latest features.

10. get your feet wet:手始めにやってみる
例: Before taking on bigger responsibilities, he wanted to get his feet wet with smaller projects.



