機会格差(opportunity gap)に関する英文記事

本日7月2日は英検の2次試験日(本会場A日程)でした。2次試験に駒を進めていた方、うまく話せたでしょうか?あざみ野校には英検1級対策講座があり、対策を行ってきましたが、次回に向けて扱おうかなと考えているTopicがあります。それは「機会格差」です。「機会格差」とは、家庭の経済的制約などが原因で、子どもに様々な機会へアクセスさせてあげられない問題です。昨今であればコロナ禍も機会格差の大きな原因でした。日本に帰国して通塾し始めた生徒が「オンライン授業ばかりの時に帰国になってしまったから、友達にお別れが言えなかった・・・」という話を聞き、心を痛めたことが思い出されます。現地校に普通に通っている小学生であれば、日常の学校生活を送るなかで必要な英語表現に触れて吸収していくわけですが、オンライン授業だと横の(peer studentsとの)やり取りで英語を自然に学び取っていく機会が奪われてしまっていました。



Title: Bridging the Opportunity Gap: Addressing Socioeconomic Disparities in Childhood Experiences

In recent years, the issue of opportunity disparity arising from the economic burden on families has gained significant attention. This concern revolves around the growing inequity in providing diverse experiences for children. The lack of access to a wide range of opportunities due to financial limitations poses a formidable challenge to ensuring equal development and opportunities for all children. This article delves into the issue and explores potential solutions to bridge this opportunity gap.

The Rising Concern: Economic Barriers to Childhood Experiences
The increasing cost of extracurricular activities, educational resources, and cultural experiences has resulted in a significant gap between children from affluent backgrounds and those from economically disadvantaged families. Limited financial resources restrict the exposure of children to activities that foster personal growth, development of social skills, and exploration of new interests.

Impact on Child Development
The inability to provide diverse experiences due to economic constraints can have long-lasting effects on a child’s development. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are often deprived of the chance to participate in enriching activities such as sports, music lessons, summer camps, or educational trips. These experiences play a vital role in building confidence, expanding horizons, and cultivating valuable skills that are crucial for their future success.

Reinforcing Inequality: Education and Future Prospects
Access to quality education plays a pivotal role in shaping a child’s future. Unfortunately, the opportunity gap caused by economic disparities hampers the chances of underprivileged children to receive a well-rounded education. Limited exposure to extracurricular activities and cultural experiences can further exacerbate the achievement gap, limiting their potential and opportunities for higher education and future employment.

Breaking the Cycle: Strategies to Bridge the Opportunity Gap
a. Government Initiatives: Governments can play a crucial role in addressing this issue by implementing policies that promote equal access to diverse experiences for all children. This can include subsidized or free programs, scholarships, and grants that enable children from low-income families to participate in activities they would otherwise be unable to afford.

b. Community Partnerships: Collaborations between schools, nonprofit organizations, and local businesses can help provide financial support, scholarships, and sponsorships to underprivileged children. Such partnerships can create opportunities for children to engage in various experiences and expand their horizons.

c. Mentoring Programs: Mentoring programs can provide support and guidance to children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Mentors can share their expertise, open doors to new experiences, and provide a network of connections that can positively impact a child’s development.

d. Digital Accessibility: Leveraging technology and online resources can help bridge the opportunity gap to some extent. Providing access to educational platforms, virtual experiences, and online learning materials can ensure that children from all socioeconomic backgrounds have equal opportunities to learn and grow.

Addressing the opportunity gap caused by economic burdens on families is essential for building a more inclusive society. By implementing targeted policies, fostering community partnerships, and leveraging digital resources, we can bridge the opportunity gap and ensure that every child, regardless of their socioeconomic background, has equal access to a diverse range of experiences. Investing in our children’s development today will contribute to a more prosperous and equitable society tomorrow.


いかがでしたでしょうか?educational tripsに参加する機会も奪われがちだという記述がありますが、この夏予定されている富士山合宿場で行われる夏期特訓勉強合宿も教育旅行の一つだと思います。参加する生徒さんにおかれましては、自然に囲まれた学習環境の中、自然の音や匂いを体感し、知識を吸収するのみならず、英気を養って頂ければと思います。教育旅行に参加するという機会を与えられた皆さんは幸せ者ですね!




