英単語”black”を含めたIdiomatic expressions

伏せて黒(black)を今回は扱うことにします。毎回10項目掲載していますから合計で40 idioms……決して

色idiomsBlackを用いたイディオム表現 2


1. Black ice -黒いアスファルトの上に発生する薄く透明な氷
例文: “Drivers need to be careful of black ice during the winter months.”

2. Black sheep – 厄介者
例文: “In a family of doctors, he was the black sheep who decided to become a musician.”

3. In the black – 黒字で(利益が出ていて)
例文: “After years of losses, the company is finally in the black.”

4. Black eye – (目の周りの)青あざ
例文: “He got a black eye after getting into a fight with his neighbor.”

5. Black-hearted – 腹黒い
例文: “The dictator was known for his black-hearted ways.”

6. Black and white – 白黒がはっきりした・善悪のはっきりした
例文: “The situation isn’t black and white, there are many gray areas.”

7. Black and blue – あざだらけで
例文: “After falling off her bike, she was black and blue for weeks.”

8. Black box – 飛行記録計(a device used to record information in an airplane or other vehicle, which is used to investigate accidents)
例文: “The black box from the crashed plane was recovered, which helped investigators determine the cause of the accident.”

9. Black Death – 黒死病(a disease that caused a pandemic in Europe during the Middle Ages)
例文: “The Black Death wiped out a third of Europe’s population during the 14th century.”

10. Black mood – 暗澹(あんたん)とした気分・とても憂鬱な気分
例文: “She was in a black mood after receiving the bad news.”




