

Some people say that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. Do you agree with this opinion?(2022年度・第2回より)
Japan is a country with a declining birth rate and an aging population, which has led to a shortage of labor in various sectors. While some people argue that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan, others disagree. Here are two reasons why I believe that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan:
1. Addresses labor shortages: Japan has been facing labor shortages in various sectors such as construction, nursing, and IT. By accepting more people from other countries, Japan can fill these labor gaps, which can have a positive impact on the country’s economy. For example, Japan could benefit from the skills and expertise of foreign workers in various sectors, which can improve productivity and competitiveness.
2. Promotes diversity and multiculturalism: Japan is known for its unique culture and traditions, but it can benefit from exposure to other cultures and ideas. By accepting more people from other countries, Japan can promote diversity and multiculturalism, which can enrich Japanese society. Additionally, exposure to different cultures can lead to greater creativity and innovation, which can benefit various industries.
In conclusion, Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan to address labor shortages and promote diversity and multiculturalism. By doing so, Japan can benefit from the skills and expertise of foreign workers and enhance its competitiveness while enriching its culture and society. However, it is important to ensure that these workers are treated fairly and have access to adequate resources and support.

1段落構成で公式発表されていることを踏まえて、one paragraphで生成し直してもらいました。
There are two compelling reasons why Japan should consider accepting more people from other countries to work within its borders. Firstly, it would help alleviate the country’s aging population problem. As Japan’s population ages, the workforce is shrinking, and there are not enough younger people to fill the gap. Allowing more foreign workers into the country would help boost the workforce, thus ensuring that there are enough workers to support the economy. Secondly, it would bring diversity to the country, which could lead to a more vibrant culture and economy. Having people from different countries working and living in Japan would provide new perspectives and ideas, which could help spur innovation and growth. It would also help Japan to become more integrated into the global community, which is increasingly important in today’s interconnected world. Overall, increasing the number of foreign workers in Japan could benefit the country in a variety of ways, both economically and socially.

I think Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. Firstly, it would help to solve the problem of their aging population. As people get older, they tend to retire, and there aren’t enough young people to replace them in the workforce. If more people from other countries came to work in Japan, then there would be more people to help with jobs that need to be done. Secondly, having people from different countries working in Japan could help to bring new ideas and cultures to the country. When people from different backgrounds work together, they can share their experiences and learn from each other, which can help make things better. It could also help to make Japan more connected to other countries, which could lead to new opportunities and collaborations. Overall, I think accepting more people from other countries to work in Japan could be a good thing.







